
I've dipped my fingers in all sorts of digital pies.
The table below should enlighten you to what those pies may be.

Here is a list off all the various things I can do. Click on the Column Header in order to sort by that criteria.

If your not sure what something is, you can hover over the question mark next to the name and see more information. Skills are also listed by the 'talent' levels: Advanced, Intermediate, Learning, Other


Skill Talent Level Area of Focus
Actionscript 3.0 [?] Advanced Programming
HTML/CSS [?] Advanced Web
Graphic Production Advanced Content Production
PHP [?] Intermediate Programming
MySQL [?] Intermediate Data Management
Javascript [?] Intermediate Programming
XML [?] Intermediate Data Management
jQuery [?] Learning Programming
Video Editing Other Video
Motion Graphics Other Video
Illustration Other Artwork
Animation Other Artwork
Audio Editing Other Audio


I use a variety of applications and tools to help me work or produce content.

Application Talent Level Area of Focus
Photoshop [?] Advanced Graphics
Illustrator [?] Advanced Graphics
Flash [?] Advanced App Development
WordPress [?] Intermediate Web Content
Flex [?] Intermediate App Development
Dreamweaver [?] Intermediate Web Development
Indesign [?] Intermediate Print
Final Cut Pro [?] Other Video
After Effects [?] Other Video
Audacity [?] Other Audio
Quark [?] Other Print